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preventing sexuAl haRassmenT & abusE aMong prImary-school Students

Welcome and thank you for visiting the ARTEMIS project website, where we are committed to creating a safe and respectful learning environment for every student.

In a world that values education, our project boldly takes a stand against sexual harassment. Through innovative initiatives and meaningful outcomes, we strive for a future where every child feels safe and supported in their educational journey.

Join us in our mission to empower change, raise awareness and create a better future for students around the world.

Help primary school teachers understand more about gender diversity and how it relates to peer-on-peer sexual harassment
Make primary school teachers better equipped to deal with cases of sexual harassment
Encourage different organisations to work together on this issue to achieve a greater impact

About the project

The ARTEMIS project is about making primary schools a safer and more supportive place for students. We want to tackle a serious issue called peer-on-peer sexual harassment, which means students behaving inappropriately toward each other. The project comes from the realisation that this problem is getting worse in primary schools across Europe and is affecting learning and the atmosphere in school.

We want to give primary school teachers the training and tools they need to stop this. A shocking study found that 37% of girls surveyed in the EU had experienced some form of harassment in primary school. ARTEMIS aims to create a positive change by helping teachers understand the causes of this problem, teaching them how to intervene appropriately and creating safe and inclusive learning environments.




Working sessions

April 2024

Primary Educator’s guide

on peer-on-peer sexual harassment

Transnational Partner Meeting

Release of

School-Related Sexual Harassment Prevention Short Animated Films

National Events

in Portugal, Greece, Italy, Spain and France
